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学科发展论坛:Masahiro Yamashita教授学术报告(2023年11月1日周三 10:00,电化学楼Z512会议室)

发布时间 :2023-10-20 21:57  来源:

报告题目:Molecular Spin Qubits for Quantum Computer and High-Density Memory Devices Based on Molecular Magnets

报告人:Masahiro Yamashita教授(日本东北大学)

报告时间:2023年11月01日周三 10:00


报告人简介:Masahiro Yamashita教授是日本东北大学名誉教授,1982年获日本九州大学博士学位,随后于日本分子科学研究所、名古屋大学、东京都立大学、伦敦大学学院等多所科研机构从事研究工作。长期从事分子基磁性材料的研究工作。现任Dalton Trans.副主编和同济大学教育部人才讲座教授。曾任日本学术振兴会会员、英国皇家化学会会士,美国化学会无机化学专业顾问委员会成员。迄今已在Nature, Nature Commun., JACS, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等重要期刊物发表论文500余篇。获得日本化学会创新奖(2005年),井上科学奖(2012年),日本配位化学奖(2014年),日本化学会奖(2019年)等多个重要奖项。

报告简介:Spintronics, based on the freedoms of charge and spin of the electron, is a key technology in the 21st century. Magnetic random access memory (MRAM), which uses giant magnetoresistance (GMR), has several advantages compared with electronics. Although conventional magnets composed of transition metals are normally used, in our study, we use molecule-based nano-magnets and single-molecule magnets (SMMs) to overcome “Moore`s Limitation”. SMMs are also available for quantum computer. I will talk about the molecular spin qubits for quantum computer ([1]Crystal Engineering Method, [2]g-Tensor Engineering Method, [3]Orbital Engineering Method, and [4]Molecular Technology Method) as well as high-density memory devices such as single-molecule memory device, SMMs encapsulated into SWCNT, and metallic conducting SMMs with negative magnetoresistances.

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