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学科发展论坛:黄骏教授学术报告(2023年11月8日周三 10:00,化学楼Z512会议室)

发布时间 :2023-11-06 09:50  来源:

报告题目:Tailoring Nanocatalysts for CO2 Conversion




报告人简介:黄骏教授主要从事纳米催化剂,多相催化,固体核磁,原位波谱,再生能源,洁净技术等开发研究。2008年获德国斯图加特大学化学工程博士学位,随后在美国佐治亚理工学院和瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院从事博士后研究。2010年聘为澳大利亚悉尼大学化工学院终身教职、催化工程实验室主任,悉尼纳米中心纳米材料主任、悉大跨学科重大研究计划‘Carbon-neutral Manufacturing’负责人, 多个国际刊物的编委会成员包括担任 Materials Today Sustainability主编和国家科学评论(National Science Review)编辑团成员。他在高水平国际期刊上发表了200多篇论文。他获得诸多学术奖项包括2021 ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Lectureship Award, 2020澳大利亚最具创造力工程师奖,2017校长杰出研究奖。

报告简介:CO2 hydrogenation to C1 chemicals has attracted significant interest due to the increasing demand of energy and global warming. Continuous efforts in the field of heterogeneous catalysis have revealed that the CO2 hydrogenation is structure sensitive in monometallic catalysts. However, the structure-performance relationship fundamental research in bimetallic catalysts is a big challenge because the well-defined bimetallic structures and the corresponding mechanism are more complex than monometallic ones. Here, with the construction of TiO2 supported Ni-Ru bimetallic catalysts, evidenced by advanced microscopy characterizations, the alloyed and nonalloyed structures have been synthesised for the hydrogenation. The in-situ experiments show that the Ni-Ru bimetallic structures act like an‘H atom-valve’ via controlling the H2 spillover which can completely switch the CO2 hydrogenation selectivity during the reaction. These findings bring a fundamentally new understanding of the selective hydrogenation on bimetallic nano-catalysis and the structure-performance relationship in controlling the ‘H atom-valve’ for many important chemical processes.

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