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学科发展前沿论坛:Olivier Fonatine 教授学术报告(2024年1月12日周五15:00,电化学楼C512报告厅)

发布时间 :2024-01-11 10:52  来源:

报告题目:Cracking the Code: Tackling Non-Ideal Electrochemical Behavior for Optimal Energy Storage

报告人: Olivier Fonatine 法国蒙彼利埃大学

报告时间:2024年1月12日周五 15:00-17:00


报告人简介:Olivier Fontaine,法国蒙彼利埃大学蒙彼利埃查尔斯格哈特研究所(ICGM)化学系副教授,主要研究领域为基础电化学和纳米材料化学。他于2009年在巴黎第七大学获得电化学博士学位;2009-2012年在法国巴黎索邦大学和英国圣安德鲁斯大学从事博士后研究,师从C. Sanchez教授和P. G. Bruce教授。2012年到法国蒙彼利埃大学任教,2021年至今担任泰国VISTEC研究院电化学项目卓越主席。他长期致力于使用分子电化学来理解电池和超级电容器,至今共发表七篇Nature子刊,包括两篇Nature Chemistry,两篇Nature Energy,一篇Nature Materials,一篇Nature Catalysis和一篇Nature Communications。其中一篇Nature Materials关于双氧化还原离子液体的使用,以及一篇Nature Chemistry关于氧化还原介体在锂空气电池中的关键作用。从2020年10月起,他被任命为法兰西大学学院初级会员。

报告摘要:Electrochemical energy storage devices are built on the foundation of batteries and supercapacitors. Even though both depend on electrochemical processes, their charge-storage systems are distinct, resulting in varying energy and power densities. Pseudocapacitive materials store charge by Faradaic redox processes, but their electrochemical signature is similar to that of electrochemical double-layer capacitors. As a result, these materials provide a mean to simultaneously obtain both high energy and power densities. This peculiar electrochemical signal, which looks like an electrochemical double layer but is caused by redox processes, is still a mystery and a topic of considerable controversy. Surprisingly, there is no all-inclusive analytical model for analysing a battery material's voltammogram. But the basic electrochemical features of batteries and pseudocapacitive materials are discussed in this presentation, with a focus on electron -ion transfer mechanisms. Our discovery establishes a basic mathematical relationship between all Faradaic electrode materials: battery and pseudocapacitor.

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