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学科发展论坛:Itamar Willner院士学术报告(2024年7月12日(周五)9:30,C512曾昭抡学术报告厅)

发布时间 :2024-07-03 15:42  来源:

报告题目:Dynamic Stimuli-Responsive Nanostructures, Materials and Circuitries and Their Applications

报 告 人:Itamar Willner教授,以色列耶路撒冷希伯来大学



报告人简介:Itamar Willner是中国科学院外籍院士、以色列科学院院士、英国皇家化学学会院士,德国国家科学院院士。研究领域涵盖超分子化学、纳米生物技术、分子自组装、分子和生物分子机器等多个领域。Itamar Willner院士至今已在Science, Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Nanotechnology, Chem. Rev, Chem. Soc. Rev., JACS等国际著名学术期刊发表论文800余篇和30余项专利。Itamar Willner院士同时也是JACS, Langmuir, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Small等期刊编辑/顾问委员会的成员,目前担任Supramolecular Materials期刊顾问。

报告简介:The information encoded in the base sequence of nucleic acids provides substantial structural and functional information into the biopolymer, specifically, base sequence dictated dynamic, signal-triggered reconfiguration properties into the biopolymer. These features are employed to assemble dynamic responsive materials, nanostructures, and circuitries for diverse applications. These will be exemplified by the assembly of stimuli-responsive hydrogels, triggered by pH, G-quadruplexes, light, donor-acceptor complexes and plasmonic nanoparticles. Diverse applications of stimuli-responsive hydrogels will be introduced. Moreover, stimuli-responsive hydrogel microcapsules and their use as carriers for controlled drug release and gene therapeutics will be presented. The dynamic switchable reconfiguration of origami frames will be presented, and the use of the origami raft as functional material to synthesize dynamically, light-triggered “nanoholes”.

Signal-triggered materials revealing temporal dissipative functions will be introduced. These include the assembly of photoresponsive hydrogel matrices revealing transient, dissipative stiffness properties and their applications for transiently modulated load release and autonomous transient shape-morphing functions. Also, the transient enzyme-stimulated and pH-modulated formation and depletion of DNA microdroplets as cell-like (protocells) containment will be discussed.

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