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学科发展论坛:Ke Xu学术报告(2024年8月15日(周四)10:30,电化学楼C512会议室)

发布时间 :2024-08-09 17:44  来源:

报告题目:Multidimensional Super-Resolution Microscopy through Mass-Accumulated Single-Molecule Spectroscopy

报告人:Ke Xu教授,加州大学伯克利



报告人简介:Ke Xu于2004年获得清华大学学士学位,师从张新荣教授,2009年在加州理工学院跟随James R. Heath教授(碳60发现者之一)获得化学博士学位,并在哈佛大学跟随庄小威教授进行博士后研究。Xu博士于2013年加入加州大学伯克利分校化学系,目前担任副教授。他目前的研究开发了单分子和超分辨率显微镜工具,在纳米尺度上以优异的分辨率、灵敏度和功能性研究生物物理化学和细胞生物学。Xu教授曾获得Packard科学与工程研究员奖、斯隆奖、Pew生物医学学者奖、美国国立卫生院(NIH)院长创新奖。

报告简介:Recent advances in super-resolution fluorescence microscopy have led to exciting spatial resolutions. We discuss our efforts to advance beyond the spatial (structural) information of super-resolution microscopy and map out multidimensional functional parameters at the nanoscale through the mass accumulation of single-molecule spectroscopy. With spectrally resolved single-molecule localization microscopy (SR-SMLM), we encode functional parameters into the emission spectra of single probe molecules, and so unveil nanoscale heterogeneities in cellular membranes. With single-molecule displacement/diffusivity mapping (SMdM), we map out diffusivity with unprecedented spatial resolution and fidelity, and thus uncover nanoscale diffusion patterns in living cells and report on intermolecular interactions. By integrating our multidimensional super-resolution approaches, we further uncover nanoscale heterogeneities in FUS protein condensates, showing that aggregates gradually accumulate on the microdroplet surface to form a hard shell. Together, by adding rich functional dimensions to super-resolution microscopy, we open up new ways to reveal fascinating spatiotemporal heterogeneities in the living cell and beyond.

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