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发布时间 :2015-05-04 17:12  来源:


题目:Control of Stimuli-Responsive Polymers by New Methods and Materials Design


报告人:赵越 教授 加拿大舒布卢大学(Université de Sherbrooke









I will report on our recent studies on polymers that are responsive to a variety of stimuli such as light, ultrasound and carbon dioxide. We have developed new methods and materials design to make polymers respond to stimuli in a controllable or predictable manner, or in a way to exhibit a useful function. The studies which I will discuss include 1) near-infrared light-sensitive polymer micelles and hydrogels, 2) ultrasound- and light-controllable shape-memory and healable polymers, 3) CO2-switchable polymers, and 4) azobenzene liquid crystalline block copolymers for oriented self-assemblies.


Short Biography:


Yue Zhao received his BSc in 1982 from Chengdu University of Science and Technology (now Sichuan University). He went to France in 1983 for graduate studies at the École Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de Paris (ESPCI). After obtaining his PhD in 1987, he went to Canada for postdoctoral studies at the Université Laval. In 1991, he joined the Chemistry Department of the Université de Sherbrooke and has been a full professor since 2000. He was a chair professor of Chang Jiang Scholar at Sichuan University (2007-2010). Zhao’s main research interests are the design, synthesis, study and exploitation for applications of self-assembled, nanostructured and stimuli-responsive polymers and liquid crystalline materials. He has published over 175 papers in primary journals and edited a book on azobenzene-containing polymers and liquid crystals published by Wiley. Among the awards and honors Zhao received, he won the inaugural Public Prize for the Discovery of the Year 2005 in Quebec (pioneering work on photocontrollable polymer micelles), was the recipient of the Macromolecular Science and Engineering Award of the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) in 2013, and was elected CIC Fellow in 2014.


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