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发布时间 :2017-02-28 17:18  来源:

报告题目:Assembling carbon nanotubes into functional composites and devices

报告人:李清文 研究员 中科院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所

  点:新葡的京集团35222vip 化西210会议室




How to assemble carbon nanotubes (CNT) in effective and productive ways is of vital importance for their applications. Recent progresses in CNT growth have inspired some new strategies and methods for the best utilization of the unique physiochemical properties of CNTs in macroscale materials and devices. Processing CNTs in a dry state, i.e. direct collecting CNT freestanding structures in air with sequent pressing, stretching and multilayer stacking instead of dispersing in solutions provides a route of assembling nanotubes that not only simplifies the processes considerably but also avoids structure damages of CNTs such as scission of nanotubes, sp2 bond breakage, and dispersant contamination. This talk provides an overview of various dry-procesable CNTs with a focus on preparation methods and the properties of their macroscopic materials, including the following aspects: 1)The preparation techniques for nanotube aggregative morphologies and microstructure control; 2) Application of dry-processable CNTs for functional film devices; 3) Dry-processing of CNTs into strong CNT films and composites; 4) Opportunities and challenges for dry-processable methods.


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