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Miura Masahiro(三浦雅博)教授学术报告信息(2023年10月12日周四 9;30,Z512报告厅)

发布时间 :2023-10-11 16:02  来源:

报告题目:Development of Direct Aromatic Coupling Reactions

报 告 人:Miura Masahiro(三浦雅博)教授



报告人简介:Masahiro Miura(三浦雅博)教授是世界著名有机化学家,他于1983年在大阪大学取得博士学位,后获得“洪堡基金”资助进入德国Karlsruhe大学交流访问。多年以来,三浦教授致力于过渡金属催化下惰性碳氢键的活化以及复杂化合物的合成,取得了丰硕的成果,先后在国际顶尖化学期刊如Angew.Chem. Int. Ed., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Org. Lett.等杂志上发表各类高质量研究论文800余篇。Miura教授为汤森路透社2015-2021连续7年高被引科学家,曾获得日本石油学会奖章、德国亚历山大-冯-洪堡奖章、第13届日本文部科学大臣奖章、汤森路透社研究前沿奖章等多项奖章,在有机化学领域有着重要的影响力。

报告摘要:Transition-metal-catalyzed aromatic cross-coupling reactions are highly useful for the construction of various organic fine chemicals including pharmaceuticals and organic functional materials. The conventional methods, however, usually require the pre-activation of aromatic substrates such as stoichiometric halogenation and metalation before the coupling event, which increases the steps leading to target molecules and yields inevitable salts as byproducts. In order to cope with these problems, catalytic C-H transformation reactions on aromatic substrates have been one of the most intensive subjects in the area of catalytic organic synthesis for the last two decades. In this lecture, I would like to present our efforts for developing direct aromatic and heteroaromatic coupling reactions by using a number of transition metals including palladium, rhodium, and copper as catalysts.

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